
Monday, 30 May 2011

Mladić, M'Lud

Ratko Mladić, former Serbian maniac warlord, was arrested recently after 16 years in hiding and I don’t feel sorry for him.. unlike how I felt when Saddam Hussain was dragged out of a hole in the ground and taunted on his way to the gallows, and of course most recently, Bin Laden’s Hollywood-style cowboy show down.  But why didn't you feel anything but hatred and joy on these sickos’ arrest and state murder, KB?  Because they were ridiculed and then lied about.  There’s nothing worse than people taking pleasure in the humiliation of others – no matter who they are or what they’ve done – it cheapens the wannabe victors and makes those who believe in human rights and dignity feel bad for the mass murdering warlord bastard in question.  

The way Ratko Mladić was treated en route to The Hague was correct – with respect, slowly (on account of his body seemingly 120 years old – decrepit beyond his years) and without a hint of humiliation.  He will be tried in The Hague and what will follow, will follow.  No bullshit.  No hysterical military manoeuvres.  No lies, and lies, and lies following in an attempt to appear magnanimous.  No cowboy talk, just an arrest of a serious criminal followed by procedural justice.  

What a refreshing change.  

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Holier than Thou

We have probably all known for some time - it was Ryan Giggs' penis in the wrong place leading to a super injunction, followed by being outed - most recently in Parliament yesterday, that's been at the centre of a strange barely anonymous media storm.  Many people are saying how little they care about who is shagging who and why must we bang on about it.  

I say OUT THEM for what they really are - true colours, and all that - nothing more satisfying when these creatures parade themselves about accepting gongs such as "BBC Sports Personality of the Year" (Beckham, Giggs, Sweet Michael Owen - due to be the next victim, I hear..), gaining the auspicious OBE (Beckham, Giggs...) and then being caught with their Y-Fronts around their ankles - excellent!  I know, I know - takes two to tango (not to mention a bitch-wife to add to the Poor Man's Trauma) - but as far as I recall Rebecca Loos and Imogen Thomas were single women at the time of their shags - hardly their problem, really.  These evil women ruining men's careers left, right & centre - how do they live with themselves with their shimmering thighs and dirty promises.  

If you think people who shamelessly use the media and their position to gain national awards and international respect among colleagues, then bar the media for reporting their hideousness while playing the devoted husband and father - email the guys who can revoke the award:

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