
Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Baby Sun Burnt at the Beach - 20%

This baby has 20% burns and must be in serious pain - a 5mth old on the beach with his parent on the hottest day of the year.  Doesn't everyone know that just because the beach is cooler, the sun is just as strong?  I went out for 30 minutes over the weekend with Bean - she was covered in factor 40 and fully clothed.  In her pushchair she wasn't exposed at all - is that too protective, or when it comes to the Sun, can you ever be?  It's hard not to judge the parents here - what were they thinking?!

BBC Report


  1. Good work. There is no need to expose a baby to the sun at all - especially when we as adults are advised to wear SPF 20+. I wouldn't put me out in that, never mind a five month old baby. That must be why Lou got grief for buying sun lotion for Jessica...

  2. I did! Damned fresh and wild... I keep Jess smothered in factor 45 as much as possible (which is, I think, the highest you can go before zinc is added) and I'd never ever dream of leaving her lying out in the midday sun! I don't mind her getting a bit of sun on her when she's in the sling because it's good for vit d but I agree, very very hard not to judge the parents here....

    And of course, she has a very fetching sun hat!
