
Saturday, 16 October 2010

The Mulberry Bush

With MoronCam on red alert as he and his cronies slash spending everywhere but from the top 10%, one of the arguments so convincingly put by Clegg-Over, was the idea that “normal” people have children if and when they can afford it, and not before – so people therefore shouldn’t be rewarded for having 10 kids and scrounging the state thereafter. It’s so easy for the ignoratti to nod ‘fair dos, though...’ when really this is just yet another punishment set by those from privilege to Out the Undeserving Poor. There’s no way Piers and I will have another baby until the current small one is at school – two babies in nursery at a grand a month each – as if, but I am in no way superior to parents who stay at home. It’s not my business if they’ve had half a dozen children and don’t work – but it is my responsibility as a human being understand the reasons why and not take the stereotype of ‘the poorer the person, the bigger the flat screen’ purported by the Daily Mail. It’s also everyone’s responsibility to understand why the divisions are set when a child is born – why will one 'succeed' becoming VC of their father’s company, and the other be the one at home in poverty and uneducated – just like their parents? Who designed this system, and why won’t anyone challenge it? The rich, of course, and because they want to keep it that way – yet no one ever really blames them for anything. "But the Queen brings in so much money to the country in tourism", and "the talented bankers will leave the UK if they're not rewarded with bonuses, we must invest to bring money to benefit all of us". I would be first in the queue to look around Buckingham Palace if the old goat and her sub-normal thick-as-sh*t children went with her - the access to this world would bring in millions of tourists in - why would toffs open up "their" grounds to the public if it isn't to make money - how generous of them. Plus - the Bankers - I would like to know who really benefits from their illegal investing apart from them personally - made millions and escaped punishment for de-housing 100s of families because there is no law to help those who suffered and will suffer in the coming years because of the greed of others. If the whole lot left the UK today, I wouldn't worry about the health of regular people's bank balances and mortgage repayments. The bizarre scenario appears to be that they have stolen the pensions of British people who then went out and voted Tory – and politics won’t get a look in on the school curriculum. This rant is throwing up more questions than it’s answering – my head hurts.


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